Plant genomics and Plant breeding

Category: News (Page 1 of 2)

Two papers published

Two of our papers were recently published.

The first is a paper for a forthcoming special issue in Evolutionary Applications on climate adaptation in European aspen. You can get a copy of the paper here.

The second paper described the creation of an ultra-dense genetic map used to evaluate the Norway spruce genome sequence, published in G3.

Three new pre-prints up on bioRxiv

After quite some time (~5 yrs), we have finally completed the first round of analyses based on a capture probe set we have developed for genotyping in Norway spruce (Picea abies).  The first round of pre-prints describing the capture probe resource, an ultra-high density linkage map and a GWAS case study are now available on bioRxiv:

  • Design and evaluation of a large sequence-capture probe set and associated SNPs for diploid and haploid samples of Norway spruce (Picea abies). Amaryllis Vidalis, Douglas G Scofield, Leandro G Neves, Carolina Bernhardsson, María Rosario García-Gil, Pär K. Ingvarsson, 
  • An ultra-dense haploid genetic map for evaluating the highly fragmented genome assembly of Norway spruce (Picea abies). Carolina Bernhardsson, Amaryllis Vidalis, Xi Wang, Douglas G Scofield, Bastian Shiffthaler, John Baison, Nathaniel R Street, M. Rosario Garcia Gil, Pär K Ingvarsson

Welcome Tom!

Thomas Richards recently joined the lab as postdoc to work in the Formas funded CLAP project. Tom came here from the University of Queensland  in Australia where he got his PhD working on divergent selection and the evolution of reproductive isolation in Senecio . Welcome Tom!

Congratulations Biyue and Carolina

Congratulations to Biyue that recently got the second paper of her thesis, entitled  “Genomic relationships reveal significant dominance effects for growth in hybrid Eucalyptus,  accepted! Congratulations also to Carolina that had the BatchMap paper, “A parallel implementation of the OneMap R package for fast computation of F1 linkage maps in outcrossing species”,  accepted for publication. The BatchMap paper isn’t available online yet, but I’ll update with a link as soon as it is.

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